1. CHALLENGE #1: improving my 32K time from 3:58 (in baguio) to sub-3:30
if there's one important lesson i learned from the rizal day run, it would be the value of preparation...up until the night before the race. i slept early, at around 9:00pm, which was a feat as i usually sleep close to midnight. :P i gradually increased my intake of carbs from 3 days before the race, and i also racked in more mileage during the month to help me get used to long distances.
as what i did in baguio, my strategy was to start fast and then slow down a bit (aka take walk breaks). it was my first time to run at camp aguinaldo and i felt a bit reluctant speeding up during the 1st loop as i couldn't see the humps...at 5:30am. it was just too dark! :P
after 2 loops and upon checking my time, i felt a bit relaxed and decided to take 10 to 20-second walk breaks, plus the breaks along the water stations.
at the last loop, i was cheered on by takbo.ph peeps jet, lauren, julie (salamat sa puto...hehehe), cherry, birthday boy ziggy, sam, and others. thanks a lot, guys. what you did really helped me push on with my run and i am once more grateful for having you guys around. of course, much thanks also to eire for her support during my BLC sacrifice and regular runs that helped me exceed my challenge targets.
i finished 29.65km in 2:51, way beyond my 3:30 target. :) challenge #1 done! :D
i set my garmin to change laps every 8km since i assumed it was 32km and i wanted to monitor my pace in segments no more than 10km. here are my race stats:
8km - 5:20/km
8km - 5:37/km
8km - 6:08/km
5.65km - 6:08/km
TOTAL = 29.65km - 5:47/km (2:51:28)
as usual, thanks to brando for the photo...

2. CHALLENGE #2: hitting 1,000km before end of 2009 (in less than 8 months)
it's really great to celebrate a runner's 1,000km mark by getting a shirt from bald runner with a bold statement "1,000km Club". as what sir jovie himself told us when timmy asked if they plan to give out shirts with "2,000km", the first 1,000km would always be the toughest for any runner. it's when you get out of that couch and decide to hit the street, not with your car, but with your own two feet. :)
challenge #2 done!
me & my idol :D

showing off our shirts...this time with carina & rod

kudos to bald runner and his team for the well-organized race with a distinction of serving ice cream, beer, and ice-cold water for the finishers. the 2 water stations along the route were also filled with cold gatorade, fita biscuits, and even fit & right fruits (am i right?). i am truly amazed with what they did for all of the runners who participated here. i now agree with sam's remark that races don't have to be expensive to be successful & full of freebies.
even if the distance was short, i had absolutely no complaints! i give the rizal day run 3 thumbs up (if i were an alien with 3 thumbs)! :D
saludo ako sa 'yo, bald runner! :) i'm sure takbo.ph peeps will be looking forward to succeeding races organized by your group.
thanks a lot to tere & her office for the free boodle fight that happened right after the race! :D sarap talaga kumain ng libre! had my fill of pork, rice, sardines, & whatever was in there. :)

i notice that if i set challenges for myself, the more i get determined to accomplish them. i want a goal in sight so that i can imagine myself reaching it. :) this also helps in keeping me motivated in running. i've tried setting challenges in daily mile and i hope this would also help me after 2009.
for 2010, one of my goals would be to run at least 100-160km every month.
what's the next big challenge for me?
after this, the only definite challenge that i see right now is the condura run. this is my other goal. besides, after running 1,000km in less than 8 months with a decent time for 30km, i could probably say to myself i'm ready to hit sub-4:30 for a 42k race. :P january would be another month for preparations. should i pile up the mileage or start to taper? i'll find out what my body tells me.
i'm excited for 2010! more running, races, & fun...beginning with the LSD at cardiac hills (my 1st LSD with takbo.ph)! :D
happy new running year to all!